Tuesday, April 24, 2007

so sick

There is my graduation announcement.
Cute huh?
I'm so sick y'all.
I thought it was just allergies or something....but it's not getting better.
I seriously can not blow my nose one more time.
I can't breathe...or sleep, unless I take some over the counter stuff (which I'm generally way against). And when I take that....I can't wake up.
Charlie came over Sunday to take care of me.
He brought diet cherry 7up, reg 7up, orange juice, ice cream, medicine, cappucinno, and a diet cherry limeade from sonic. He's taking the whole "lots of fluids" thing seriously. sweet boy.
I've missed two classes, chapel, and work. I made myself go to school this afternoon because I had an appointment about my post bac/grad school stuff. Fun.
I'm home...trying to force my way through this massive paper. I've got a little over 3 pages...and it needs to be at least 7. I don't think it is going to happen. And...I don't think I care.
Got tickets to see the 20th anniversary showing of Dirty Dancing. That is one of my favorite movies of all time. Seriously. Charlie is so sweet for taking me...cause it is going to be a big ole beating for him...as I will say the words of the movie....the whole time we watch it. And of course...I will sing along.
I guess I will get back to the paper. My goal is to finish the rough draft tonight and edit the next two days...and be done with it by Friday.
Wish me luck!