Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I'm Moving!!!!

And...this time I'm not talking about a house :)

Lots going on in my little world right now. I am experiencing a lot of joy and a lot of stress...all at the same time...

I am working on a few projects....that are fun...but a bit overwhelming....

I am dealing with (or at least praying REALLY hard about) a couple of things that are just bringin me down ...

And...I feel like in a lot of areas in my life, I am just starting over....

Which...can be such a good thing. Clean starts...blank regrets. keeping...(well...and my internet service provider is about to change when I really move...thus I need a new email...and well...why not?)....I'm getting a new blog-home:

Nothing going on over there....yet....but I hope to be posting sometime this weekend!