Sunday, March 11, 2007

The one with the really long post.

Ok, So I am on the eve of my spring break. My last undergrad spring break. Awww.
I have lots planned for the week. Some travel planned. Some random school stuff (i.e. deciding on grad school...which should have been done last month). Some cleaning (ok lots of cleaning that will more than likely not get done). Some personal stuff (wash car, pay bills, finish photo edits for people, etc). Some really fun projects, a couple of which have been in the works for a long time. Some goal making (I love to make goal lists). Some much needed me time. In fact, I feel a makeover of sorts in the near future. And of course, some mindless just for fun reading. This is what I got this weekend.

Some of the girls over at CMK do a little kit swap every month. It's so much fun to go scrap shopping for someone else...and then so much fun to get your own little personalized kit in the mail. Here is my kit last month.

Ok, My dream home. Swoon. I am in love with this home. It is beyond fabulous. If I were to win the lottery this week (which is highly doubtful as it would probably require the purchase of a ticket) I would buy this exact house. It is the most gorgeous house I have ever seen...and been in. In the most faulous North Texas town no less. Hey...a girl can dream.

My sweet Dalton. Love the kissies. Love the boy. He is so precious (despite massive tantrums and the biting thing). I can't hardly get enough of him. I don't see him as much as before...and that makes me sad. Thank goodness for the happy kisses.

Of course, Uncle C gets the best kisses. I'm not quite as cool on the Dalton-meter as Charlie.
I'm not ok with this. Just so you know. Nor am I ok with scruffy beard.

In other news. A new target, yes shiny and new, opened right by my house. It's kinda like heaven on earth. I'm easily amused you know.

You should also know that I am trying to cut out fried foods. So hard, because apparently we fry everything here in Texas. For the last um 16 or so years I have been an almost vegetarian. And...coincidentally I was much thinner. Then I met Charlie. Things change you know. So that is another one of the things I am working on this week. A detox of sorts. Go me.

Not much computer love in the next few days. A, I won't be near one for a couple of days (I live in the dark ages of a desktop only). B, the computer has a way of sucking me in...and then nothing gets done. As you can see....far too much planned to fall prey to that. Though I'm sure I will sneak a few minutes now and then.


Anonymous said...

You are cracking me up....

I love a new shiny target too.

ohsohappy6 said...

You made a fabulous kit for your swap partner! I really should join in on one of those swaps sometime. And that house is GORGEOUS! I love North Texas and I'd absolutely move there to live in a house like that. lol

Jill said...

I read the new sophie kinsella book recently too. luv her. the other books you picked up might need to be added to my list...they look like my type :) enjoy your week!

Anonymous said...

i just finished classes today for this term and i can't wait to finally pick up a book and read it because I want to!